BCID Surveys, Scoping Study and Concept Report
During peak hours, a large volume of vehicles passes through three closely spaced intersections at Piedmont Road, Roswell Road and Habersham Road, resulting in significant traffic congestion at this triangular junction. Buckhead CID was continuing to study the issue and wanted c21’s help in developing and marketing an online survey to obtain consumer input, in addition to public meetings that had been planned by BCID and their project partners Kimley Horn and Renew Atlanta.

BCID and the study team held a public information meeting for the Piedmont Road, Roswell Road and Habersham Road intersection on May 21, 2019. This meeting was the second of two public meetings, with the first being held in November 2018. Three stakeholder meetings were also held as part of this project. The first stakeholder meeting was held October 1, 2018, the second on March 27, 2019 and the third in September 2019. The goal was to identify a preferred conceptual design alternative for roadway and multi-modal improvements to the study intersections. The preferred alternative will be based on previously completed studies in the project area, relevant studies and design plans for nearby projects, traffic data collection and analysis, roadway and urban design studies, and stakeholder and public feedback.
Ultimately, the study will recommend corridor and intersection improvements to reduce traffic congestion and improve walkability, including but not limited to, adding or eliminating one or more intersection approaches, adding or eliminating intersection signalization, increasing the spacing between intersections and grade separation.
In December 2018, c21 launched an online survey as part of the study and promoted it to Buckhead community members and those who travel through the Piedmont/Roswell/Habersham triangle. The survey asked questions about the intersection and for the participants to share ideas how Buckhead CID can enhance it.
We promoted the study through the BCID newsletter, social media posts and the website, and through the planned community meetings.
BCID and c21’s efforts resulted in 438 respondents taking the survey! c21 compiled the survey results and created a graphic for the website (below). Buckhead CID launched Phase II of the study that would work with the City of Atlanta to recommend intersection changes to improve travel times while enhancing multi-modal options. Currently, the study is sharing data, resources and collaboration to move the components of the project forward.