25 Kick Ass Accomplishments in our 25th Year!

It’s hard to believe that c21 was founded in 1992 and that December 2017 marks the conclusion of our 25th year.  It’s been a long, (sometimes strange, sometimes hard), but fun journey.  I’m proud to have worked with a variety of strong, smart women (and a few guys) over the years – and to have produced some incredibly creative work for our wide range of clients.  I’m also proud of the fact that we still work with our first client, 25 years later.  But instead of trying to remember highlights over the past 25 years – we have chosen to focus on some kick-ass accomplishments from this year – our silver anniversary year.

Let us begin with…

  1. Well, we turned 25 – that is an accomplishment!

Then we…

  1. Elevated the 40th anniversary of the Atlanta Jazz Festival to new heights, with some great PR, including the cover of the AJC’s Living Section, and the launch of their very first mobile channel.
  2. Added to our repertoire of cutting edge services with the ability to develop a mobile channel through a partnership with an agency in Ohio.
  3. Won the Georgia Technology Authority’s business, and their launch of the nation’s single largest investment in a cybersecurity facility – now totaling $95 million!
  4. Won two Golden Flames for integrated marketing and the mobile channel, and two PRSA awards for the same categories – Bringing our total awards to 80!
  5. Created, developed and launched two client websites – one for Kaufman Capital Partners and one for Buckhead CID. Buckhead CID’s site has already garnered great praise from the Upper Westside Improvement District’s executive director who said,  “Jim – I just saw your newsletter and poked around the beautiful new website. Well done! The pictures are spectacular.”
  6. Promoted two kick-ass team members – Jamie Donaldson and Maggie McDaniel – to Director and Senior Account Manager, respectively. (Congrats you guys – you are awesome!)
  7. Won the development of an intensive daily monitoring report for the Central Division of the world’s largest broadcasting and cable television company – Comcast.
  8. Had one of our team members and lover of all things video games and sci-fi – Jamie Donaldson – get married to the man of her dreams…who she had been dating for the past 10 years!
  9. Continued our tradition of c21 social outings with a candle making event at PCM, where we learned that in olden days people would burn waxy fish for light. Despite the fact that I think the claim that LEDs last for 10 years is utter crap, thank goodness we no longer have to burn waxy fish for light! #c21life
  10. Conducted two BeHeard media trainings on some very savvy teenagers who are part of our client Partnership Against Domestic Violence’s teen advisory board. We were impressed with their coolness under pressure!
  11. Drafted more than 800 social media posts that helped to engage more than 900 attendees at a professional service client’s three-day conference. Ever written 800 posts over three days? It’s HARD!
  12. Got the Stop the Bleed campaign, which promoted and taught emergency tourniquet use, featured on NPR.
  13. Created two infographics for Gwinnett Place CID to show the incredible impact they have on the County – including their $9.5 billion economic impact!
  14. Used our in-house video marketing suite to develop engaging videos for PADV, Atlanta Jazz Festival and GPCID!
  15. Worked with Synertia and the Golf Channel to improve attendance at the prestigious collegiate golf event, the East Lake Cup, via grassroots marketing.
  16. Elevated awareness of the Partnership Against Domestic Violence’s 40th anniversary through an integrated marketing campaign, including an engaging series called 40 Stories.
  17. Hired Carter Brown to run the Jazz Festival volunteer program – if you don’t know him – you should.
  18. Inspired a c21 intern – Amanda Norris – to donate money from an art show she created to PADV.
  19. We toured and sampled the wares of City Winery – #c21life
  20. Developed and launched four new brands – Envistacom, the Hull McKnight Georgia Cyber Center, Kaufman Capital Partners and Kuo Diedrich Chi.
  21. Snagged the cover of the Atlanta Business Chronicle’s real estate section with the announcement of the condensed timeline for the development of the Park Over GA400 – with an expected opening date in 2022!
  22. Organized and executed an Idea Lab for Gwinnett Place CID to kick-start a redevelopment program in the area.
  23. Spent 150+ hours donating our skills to worthy causes in 2017.
  24. Had a fun and memorable year!

Here’s to a fantastic 2017 and an even better 2018. We look forward to a great 26th year of serving our clients and getting real results.



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