Following a c21-led rebranding effort, Island Parts & Supplies wanted a mascot to represent the company and provide some added personality. The company founder had created a cartoon lizard for an event, and c21 seized on the opportunity to bring the cartoon to life. However, the lizard needed a name.
The lizard was the perfect choice to represent the speed at which Island Parts & Supplies procures and ships hard-to-find, non-perishable products and supplies to the U.S. Virgin Islands. c21 created the mascot naming contest by drafting the rules and regulations, creating graphics and boosting the contest using geo-targeted ads on Facebook to increase the chances of a local winner.
The contest outlined that submissions would be posted on Facebook, the top five would be selected by Island Parts and then voted on by the community. To encourage participation, the winner would receive a $100 gift card to be claimed at one of two Island Parts retail locations.
c21 managed the contest, including monitoring submissions, engaging with participants and finally announcing the winner IPSY (short for Island Parts & Supplies – Yes!) was the winning name. The winner, who was all too happy to pick up his prize, posed for pictures and shot a short video about his winning inspiration. The contest helped generate publicity, content and engagement on Island Parts & Supplies social media channels and the mascot is now the star of Island Parts & Supplies radio ads and social media.