During the 2020 election season, c21 provided pro bono support for Georgia Support The Vote, a nonpartisan movement to recruit Georgia businesses to inform, encourage and enable their employees to exercise their constitutional right to vote. Before it could fulfill its mission, the movement needed a name, messaging, website and a tackle box or tool kit of materials to share with organizations.

c21 worked closely with key members of the Rotary Club of Atlanta to create the name, messaging, logo, website, tackle box of materials, social media graphics and a communications strategy.
The tackle box of materials shared with organizations included: sample social media posts, email content, text message content and graphics for key dates surrounding the election.

c21 worked with the Metro Atlanta Chamber, Cobb Chamber, Georgia Chamber of Commerce and a small group of motivated Republicans and Democrats to recruit more than 170 of Georgia’s most influential large businesses, including The Coca-Cola Company, Delta Air Lines, UPS, Gas South, educational institutions like Emory University and Georgia Tech and small organizations and nonprofits like the Atlanta History Center, Central Atlanta Progress, The Carter Center, Habitat for Humanity International and more.
In less than three weeks, c21’s efforts helped to reach more than 210,000 employees with state-sanctioned voter information.
Sample pages from the Toolbox Quick Start Guide: